This district is composed of certain quiet, low-density residential areas of the city plus certain open areas where similar residential development appears likely to occur. Mobile homes shall also be permitted on individual lots. The regulations for this district are designed to stabilize and protect the essential characteristics of the district, to promote and encourage a suitable environment for family life where children are members of most families and to prohibit activities of a commercial nature. To these ends, development is limited to single-unit dwellings providing homes for the residents plus certain public facilities, which serve the residents of the district. The regulations set out in this chapter shall apply to all R-4 districts.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (part), 1970)
Uses permitted outright in the R-4 district include:
A. Any use permitted outright in an R-l district;
B. Mobile homes located on individual lots, provided such mobile homes are placed on permanent foundations;
C. Home occupations, provided that any such occupation shall not occupy more than ten percent of the total floor area of the main building or, if located in an accessory building, shall not occupy more than five percent of the total lot area;
D. Church;
E. School: Nursery, primary, elementary, junior high or senior high;
F. Hospital, sanitarium, rest home, home for the aged, nursing or convalescent home;
G. Governmental structure or use including public park, playground, recreation building, fire station, library or museum.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (A), 1970)
The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted in an R-4 district when authorized in accordance with the requirements of this title governing conditional uses:
A. Utility substation or pumping station with no equipment storage;
B. Mobile home park, governed by the Mobile Home Ordinance of the city.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (B), 1970)
The lot size in an R-4 district shall be as follows:
A. The minimum lot area shall be five thousand square feet for an interior lot and six thousand square feet for a comer lot.
B. The minimum lot width at the front building line shall be fifty feet for an interior lot and sixty feet for a comer lot.
C. The minimum lot depth shall be one hundred feet.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (D), 1970)
In an R-4 district, buildings shall not occupy more than fifty percent of the lot area.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (G), 1970)
The yards in an R-4 district shall be as follows:
A. The front yard shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet or established setback line.
B. The side yard shall be a minimum of eight feet on one side and eight feet on the other side, except that on comer lots the setback for all buildings shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet on the side abutting a street.
C. The rear yard shall be a minimum of ten feet.
D. The entrance side of a garage or carport shall be set back at least twenty-five feet from the access street, except that in the case of an alley, the entrance shall be set back at least fifteen feet from the center line of the alley.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (E), 1970)
In an R-4 district, no building shall exceed a height of two and one-half stories or thirty-five feet, whichever is less.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (F), 1970)
A. Signs permitted in an R-4 district shall be erected and maintained at least fifteen feet from the street line and shall be of a kind and character not unsightly or unduly conspicuous in the neighborhood in which they are erected. In event of a complaint on the character or kind of sign being maintained, the decision of the board of appeals shall be final as to compliance of the sign with this provision, which decision shall be made after an investigation and report by the planning commission, if deemed desirable by the board.
B. The following signs are permitted in an R-4 zone:
1. One nameplate or sign indirectly illuminated or not illuminated less than three square feet in area for each dwelling;
2. One temporary sign, not illuminated, less than six square feet in area advertising the sale, lease, or rental of the property;
3. One temporary sign per tract of land or subdivision advertising the sale of the tract or the lots in the tract and not exceeding forty-eight square feet in area. The sign shall be reduced in size by six square feet for each lot less than eight in the subdivision.
(Ord. 553 § 2-105 (C), 1970)