Chapter 5.08 Alcoholic Liquor – Retailer Occupation Tax 2
5.08.010. Annual tax levied-Amount. 2
5.08.020. State license and license holder
requirements. 2
5.08.030. Display of city and state license
receipts. 2
5.08.040. Violation or failure to pay-Penalty. 2
Chapter 5.09 Alcoholic Liquor – Sales By Temporary Permit 3
5.09.010. Definitions for Chapter 5.09. 3
5.09.020. Permit-Required when. 3
5.09.030. Permit-Fee and display of receipt. 3
5.09.040. Permit-Application-Issuance
conditions. 3
5.09.050. Premises-Location restrictions. 4
5.09.060. Premises-Hours of operation. 4
5.09.070. Furnishing alcoholic beverages to
minors prohibited. 4
5.09.080. Permitting minors on premises
prohibited-Exceptions. 4
5.09.090. Consuming alcoholic beverages
prohibited where. 5
5.09.100. Violation-Penalty-Permit revocation. 5
Chapter 5.10 Alcoholic Liquor – Sales By Caterers 6
5.10.010. Definitions for Chapter 5.10. 6
5.10.020. License-Required when. 6
5.10.030. License-Application fee, issuance and
term. 6
5.10.040. Premises-Location restrictions. 6
5.10.050. Notice of events to chief of police. 7
5.10.060. Hours of operation. 7
5.10.070. Furnishing alcoholic beverages to
minors prohibited. 7
5.10.080. Permitting minors on premises
prohibited-Exceptions. 7
5.10.090. Consuming alcoholic beverages
prohibited where. 8
5.10.100. Violation-Penalty-License revocation. 8
Chapter 5.12 Solicitors, Canvassers And Peddlers 9
5.12.020. License-Required when. 9
5.12.030. License-exemptions. 9
5.12.040. License-Application requirements. 9
5.12.050. License-fee-renewals. 10
5.12.060. Investigation of license application. 10
5.12.070. License-Grounds for disapproval. 10
5.12.080. License-Issuance conditions. 10
5.12.090. Appeal from denial of license. 11
5.12.100. License-Expiration date. 11
5.12.110. License-Revocation grounds-Notice and
hearing. 11
5.12.120. Violation-penalty. 11
Chapter 5.13 Mobile Food Vendors. 13
5.13.030. License-Required when. 13
5.13.060. Restriction upon location. 14
5.13.070. Violation-penalty. 14
Chapter 5.16 Cereal Malt Beverages. 15
5.16.020. License issued by city. 15
5.16.030. License required of retailer. 15
5.16.050. License application procedures. 16
5.16.060. License granted; denied. 16
5.16.070. License to be posted. 16
5.16.080. License, disqualification. 17
5.16.090. Restriction upon location. 17
5.16.110. Suspension of license. 18
5.16.120. License suspension/revocation by
governing body. 18
5.16.140. Change of location. 19
5.16.150. Wholesalers and/or distributors. 19
5.16.160. Business regulations. 20
Chapter 5.20 Contractor Licensing. 21
5.20.020. Certification and Contractor License
Required 22
5.20.030. Contractor license; types and
qualifications. 22
5.20.040. Same; Qualification Exception. 22
5.20.050. Same; Continuing Education
Requirements. 23
5.20.080. Certificate of Insurance: 23
5.20.090. Exception to Certificate of
Insurance. 24
5.20.100. Revocation of License and reinstatement. 24
Chapter 5.24 Private Clubs. 25
5.24.010. Annual license fee for Class B
clubs-Amount. 25
5.24.020. Collection of fees. 25
5.24.030. Application of chapter provisions. 25