TITLE 6. ANIMALSTITLE 6. ANIMALS\Chapter 6.08 Farm Animals And Fowl

The mayor, with approval of the council, shall designate and appoint a city health inspector, to exercise the powers described by this chapter.

(Ord. 601 § 1, 1975; Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

It is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, either as owner, lessee, employer, employee and occupant, to keep or maintain, or permit to be kept or maintained any horse, mule, ass, cattle, hogs, sheep, mink, burros, roosters, ducks, geese, turkeys and any other fowl or farm animals at any place within the corporate limits of the city, except as set forth in this chapter.

(Ord. 601 § 2, 1975; Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

A.    Any person desiring to keep within the corporate limits of the city any of the animals as set out and described in this chapter, shall file a written application with the city clerk.  Included with this application shall be a sketch of the property, affirmatively showing that the applicant has facilities for, or show proposed facilities, for keeping such animals, meeting the standards set by the city health inspector and this chapter.

B.    A fee of $25.00 (Twenty-Five Dollars) shall accompany the application to permit farm animals within the limits of the City of Belleville.  Permits are nonrefundable and shall not be transferrable.

C.    The applicant will also supply a signature sheet which includes names and signatures from all property owners within a 100-foot radius from the premises, and whether they approve or disapprove of the application. 

D.    Upon filing of the application for a permit, the city clerk shall thereupon deliver such application to the city health inspector, who shall inspect the place that the animals are to be kept, or shall have the same checked by a designated person, and shall make recommendations to the city council.  The City Health Inspector may also make a recommendation based on planned improvements to the property for housing and maintaining such animals. An additional inspection may be required after facilities have been erected.

E.    If the council shall find that the keeping of such animals as set out in the application and the manner of the keeping of the same shall be in compliance with the standards prescribed, and the manner of the keeping of the same shall not be offensive or a nuisance or unsanitary, the council shall issue a permit therefor.  The Council may also conditionally approve the issuance of a permit based on the planned improvements to the property for housing and keeping of the animals.

(Ord. 601 § 3, 1975; Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

A.    Such permit shall be conditioned upon the keeper of such animals maintaining the facilities to the standards set by the city health inspector and set forth in this chapter.  Such animals shall be confined in an enclosure sufficient to prohibit their running at large and the enclosure shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition at all times.  A shelter or area of sufficient size conducive to good sanitation practices and adequate drainage for the shelter area or areas shall be provided, or an enclosure surrounded by a secure, well-built fence of sufficient height and strength to confine such animal shall be provided.  All litter and droppings shall be collected and disposed of in the manner designated by the city health inspector

B.    Enclosures shall be kept in a good working condition, shall not cause odor or noise nuisances, and shall not be deemed unsightly from any public right-of-way.

C.    All stables and other buildings and all enclosures and premises upon which any such animals are kept and confined shall be kept in a clean, healthful, and sanitary condition by the person owning, possessing, or using any such premises, and shall permit any nuisance to be formed or to accumulate thereon.

D.    Such facilities shall be no closer to the exterior limits of any hospital, nursing home or health facility that the distance as set out in the Regulations of the Department of Health and Environment of the State.

(Ord. 601 § 4, 1975; Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

No livestock or other agricultural animals shall be kept within the City limits unless all of the following approval criteria are met for the following lot sizes, either on one (1) lot or a combination of adjacent lots within one (1) ownership:

A.    Up to Thirty Thousand (30,000) square foot lots:

1.    Animals kept on the site shall be limited to roosters, squab, ducks or other fowl.  Female chickens and rabbits are allowed on site, without the issuance of a farm animal permit, conforming to all provisions set in section 4.

2.    Animals kept on the site shall not exceed a combined total of twelve (12) animals;

3.    All structures housing such animals may not be located in the front yard or side street yard areas, and shall be set back from the rear and side property lines a minimum of ten feet;

4.    The animal(s) is kept within a fenced area at least five (5) feet from the property line, or the fence may be on the property line(s) with the use of solid fencing, and;

5.    Approval of permit from the City Animal Health Inspector.

B.    Thirty Thousand (30,000) square foot or greater lots:

1.    Animals kept on the site shall not exceed the following limits:

i.     Horses or Llamas:  Not to exceed one (1) per one acre of graze able area available for the animal’s occupancy;

ii.    Cattle, Ass, Burro or Mules: One (1) animal per one-half (1/2) acre of area available for the animal’s occupancy;

iii.   Roosters, squab, ducks or other fowl.  Female chickens and rabbits are allowed on site, without the issuance of a farm animal permit, conforming to all provisions set in section 4.  Total number shall not exceed a combined total of twelve (12) animals;

iv.   All other Animals:  Sheep, goats, turkeys, hogs, mink or any other farm animal, at a combined total of five (5) animals per acre of area available for the animal’s occupancy.

2.    All structures housing such animals may not be located in the front yard or side street yard areas, and shall be set back from the rear and side property lines a minimum of twenty-five feet;

3.    Approval of permit from the City Animal Health Inspector.

(Ord. 601 § 6, 1975; Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to prevent the above-named animals from being transported into or through the city, or to temporarily keep such animals within the city limits while such animals are part of a circus, rodeo, fair or performing act or show, or while such animals are held in a holding pen prior to slaughter by a commercial house or meat processing business, or held in a holding pen of an animal hospital.

(Ord. 601 § 7, 1975; Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

If at any time the governing body shall find that any person to whom a permit has been issued is keeping such place or premises in an offensive or unsanitary manner, or detrimental to the health of the people in the neighborhood or the people of the city, the governing body shall revoke the permit issued to such person; but no such permit shall be revoked until after ten days notice is given to the person holding such permit and a hearing had thereon, before the governing body, in which the party may appear.

(Ord. 290 § 1, 1917; Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum no less than fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, plus court costs, and each day of violation shall be and constitute a separate offense.

(Ord. 1028; Code 2021)

Every person who shall cause or permit a horse, mule, cow or other domestic animal owned by him or in his possession, or under his control, to run at large within the corporate limits of the city shall be deemed guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof fined no less than fifty dollars and no more than five hundred dollars, plus court costs.

(Ord. 1028; Code 2021)