The C-3 highway business district is composed of certain land and structures used primarily to provide retailing and personal services of all kinds, plus activities not basically conducted within an enclosed structure, such as used car lots. The regulations for this district are designed to stabilize and protect the essential characteristics of the district, to promote and encourage a suitable environment for providing service to the people of the area, and to prohibit activities of an industrial nature. To these ends, development is primarily limited to all types of retailing and personal services, plus those uses permitted in any residential district. The regulations are designed to permit development of the enumerated functions limited by standards designed to retaining a favorable environment for the proper functioning of the district, plus certain public facilities which are needed to serve the occupants of the district. The regulations set out in this chapter shall apply to all C-3 districts.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (part), 1970)
The following uses and their accessory uses are permitted outright in a C-3 district:
l. Assembly of electrical appliances or equipment, electronic instruments and devices, radios, phonographs, television, including the manufacture of small parts such as coils, condensers, transformers, crystal holders;
2. Automobile, boat or trailer sales establishment;
3. Automobile, boat, truck or trailer storage garage, truck rental or sales;
4. Automobile laundry;
5. Automobile painting or upholstering;
6. Automobile service station;
7. Auto, truck, trailer or boat storage; truck rental or sales;
8. Blueprinting, photostating, or other reproduction process;
9. Bookbindery;
10. Bottling plant;
11. Building materials, retail outlet only;
12. Building of marine pleasure craft;
13. Business, technical or trade school;
14. Cabinet or carpenter’s shop;
15. Catering establishment;
16. Coin machine manufacture or repair;
17. Commercial amusements, if conducted wholly within an enclosed building;
18. Custom manufacturing of goods for retail and wholesale sale on the premises;
19. Dwelling for caretaker or watchman working on the property;
20. Electric power generator, transformer station, or substation;
21. Electroplating shop;
22. Equipment sales, rental, storage or repair;
23. Farm machinery sales or service;
24. Farm service related sales;
25. Fuel oil storage and distribution with underground tanks;
26. Fuel supply outlet or distributor, providing no dust is produced;
27. Laboratory;
28. Laundry;
29. Laundry, dry cleaning, dyeing, or rug cleaning plant;
30. Liquor stores;
31. Manufacture of artificial limbs, dentures, hearing aids, surgical instruments or dressings, or other devices employed by the medical and dental professions;
32. Manufacture of figurines, pottery, or similar ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay;
33. Manufacture of medicines;
34. Manufacture of musical instruments, novelties, rubber or metal stamps, toys;
35. Manufacture of optical goods, scientific or precision instruments or equipment;
36. Manufacture or maintenance of signs, billboards, commercial advertising structures, or nameplates;
37. Medical buildings;
38. Motel;
39. New building materials storage or sale yard;
40. Newspaper or printing establishment;
41. Nightclubs, service clubs;
42. Plumbing contractor;
43. Plumbing, sign painting, upholstering, cabinet or carpenter shop;
44. Public garage, including automobile repairing, and incidental automobile body and fender work, painting and upholstering, if conducted completely within an enclosed building;
45. Radio or TV broadcasting station;
46. Restaurant;
47. Roadside parks;
48. Secondhand and antique store;
49. Sheet metal shop or other metalworking shop, machine shop not using drop hammer or punch press;
50. Sign painting shop;
51. Storage building for household goods;
52. Telephone exchange;
53. Tire shop, including incidental recapping;
54. Transportation terminal;
55. Utility station or substation;
56. Veterinary office or animal hospital;
57. Warehousing;
58. Other similar uses, but not including a use listed as a permitted use in the I-1 district.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (A), 1970)
The following uses are permitted in the C-3 district when authorized in accordance with the requirements of this title governing conditional uses:
A. Any use permitted as a conditional use in an R-3 district;
B. Drive-in theater;
C. Mobile home park, subject to mobile home park regulations.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (B), 1970)
The lot size in a C-3 district shall be as follows:
A. Lots used for dwelling purposes shall be governed by the requirements as specified for R-3 districts.
B. The minimum lot area for nonresidential uses shall be five thousand square feet.
C. The minimum lot width at the front building line shall be twenty-five feet.
D. The minimum lot depth shall be one hundred feet.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (D), 1970)
In a C-3 district, business buildings shall not occupy more than fifty percent of the lot area.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (G), 1970)
In a C-3 district, the yards shall be as follows:
A. The minimum yard dimensions of the residential district shall apply on the sides of a lot abutting a residential district.
B. The front yard shall be a minimum of twenty-five feet for all yards abutting a street.
C. There shall be no side yard requirement for nonresidential uses, except as provided above; provided, further that corner lots shall have a minimum yard of twenty-five feet for all yards abutting a street.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (E), 1970)
In a C-3 district within one hundred feet of a residential zone, no structure shall exceed forty feet in height, and in no case shall such structure exceed sixty feet.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (F), 1970)
In a C-3 district, the following conditions and limitations shall apply:
A. All business, service, repair, processing, storage or merchandise display on property abutting or facing a lot in a residential district shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building unless screened from the residential district by a sight-obscuring fence permanently maintained at least six feet in height.
B. Openings to structures on sides adjacent to or across a street from a residential district shall be prohibited if such access or openings will cause glare, excessive noise, or other adverse effects on residential properties.
C. Motor vehicle, boat or trailer rental or sales lots shall be drained and surfaced with crushed rock or pavement except in those portions of the lot maintained as landscape areas.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (H), 1970)
The following signs are permitted in the C-3 district:
A. Signs permitted in the R-3 district;
B. Signs identifying a business establishment or business use shall be governed by the regulations as specified for C-2 districts.
(Ord. 553 § 2-203 (C), 1970)